15 Things To Thank My Stepmom For


My parents got divorced when I was young and it was just my brother, dad and I. My dad found himself a new lady who at first I thought talked WAY too much. Bless her heart, she entered our chaotic lives at a crazy time, but also at the perfect time. This article is to thank her for all the time she invested in me through the years. I would not be where I am today without her.

  1. Thank you for loving my dad.

Thank you for being my dad’s happily ever after. With you, he has hopes and dreams! Y’all finally got some land. Y’all are finally starting a farm! Y’all are finally getting a new house! It has been a ride, but y’all have been great parents to look up to.

  1. Thank you for accepting me.

Thank you for loving me and my brother as if we were your biological children. Notice I didn’t say, “As if we were your ‘real’ children,” because you never let us forget that even though we are not your biological children, we are still your children.

  1. Thank you for molding me.

I consider myself a successful 20 year old. I have a steady job, I have many leadership roles and I’m about to graduate college. I know I could not have gotten this far without you. Growing up with you guys, my future wasn’t looking too bright before you came along. Thank you for molding me into the woman I am.

  1. Thank you for growing with me.

When you came along there wasn’t much structure. It was basically every man for himself. You moved in and gave us chores and responsibilities that we weren’t used to. There were more screaming battles than I can count, but look at where we are now. I know it wasn’t easy raising two teenagers, but thank you for growing with us.

  1. Thank you for never leaving.

Even with a bratty teenage girl, you never gave up. You never threw your hands up and walked away. You will never know how much that means to me. You didn’t have to deal with me, but you did.

  1. Thank you for teaching me how to be a girl.

Although my dad hated it, thank you for teaching me to do my makeup. Thank you for teaching me how to tame the crazy hair that runs in our family. Thank you for telling me, “Your eyeliner is way too dark for your skin tone.” Thank you for teaching me that it isn’t acceptable to wear wind pants every day. You’re the real MVP.

  1. Thank you for all the life lessons.

Although I hated when I would be in a stressful situation and you would say, “Life Lesson,” then give a long speech about how this would benefit me later, I REALLY appreciate it now. I feel like I am much more aware than my peers. I am full of knowledge and, “life lessons,” so I am a great person to go to for advice.

  1. Thank you for introducing me to people as, “My daughter, Caitlin.”

You may not think I notice, but when you introduce me to people as, “This is my daughter, Caitlin,” it genuinely makes me happy. You never think of us as your husband’s kids, or as your step kids.

  1. Thank you for never letting me down.

I tend to stress a lot and you always assure me with, “Have I ever let you down?” This has stuck with me because, as a matter of fact, you never have. You have always followed through with what you say. That means a lot to me.

  1. Thank you for pushing me.

Thank you for instilling in my brain that college was not an option for me, but a must. Thank you for believing in my potential and pushing me until you knew I believed in myself. Thank you for making me fill out my financial aid alone because that taught me more than just how to do ridiculous forms, but to figure out how to do something if I’m unsure.

  1. Thank you for parenting me.

As a step parent, you could have been “stand off-ish” or you could have dove right in and became another parent. You chose the latter. This proved that you weren’t just in it for my dad, but for my brother and I too. You weren’t scared to be disliked. You just knew that these two teenagers needed parenting.

  1. Thank you for making me independent.

Before you, I was basically helpless. I have no idea how I got by without you. You have shaped me into a woman who makes her own decisions. A woman of good character who is trustworthy and honest. A woman who can do (almost) everything by herself. I am now a “do it yourself” kind of girl and If I’m unsure of how to do something, I figure it out.

  1. Thank you for teaching me to have an open mind.

CHINESE FOOD! I have such an urge to try new things and travel the world now. I have you to thank for that! When I go to a new city, I want to eat at places that I can’t find at home! I want to experience different cultures and that is all thanks to you!

  1. Thank you for changing my life.

I’ll say this a million times, but I could not be who I am or where I am today without you. You changed my life in the best way possible.

  1. Thank you for being my (step)MOM.

Out of all the, “Thank you’s,” this one is the most important. You don’t have kids of your own and you certainly didn’t have to take care of someone else’s, so thank you for choosing me.

About the author

Olivia Wilson
By Olivia Wilson


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