Justin Alfonso Florida Face – Is Manatreed Dream? Abuse Allegations & Drama


A man named Justin Tyler Alfonso is all over Twitter and Reddit after he has been referred to as one of the most famous live streamers on the internet; Manatreed. Today his fans are having discussions regarding if their idol is worth their love or not.

The majority of the Manatreed followers seem to be supporting the streamer and only a few are questioning his character. Let’s dig straight into Justin’s identity to understand the recent chaos that is blowing the web.

Justin Alfonso Florida Face

Justin Alfonso from Florida’s face has not been revealed to the public. Today social media platforms are investigating the story and trying to break down the real Justin Tyler. In the process, there came a mid conclusion where everyone thought the person is Mantreed; a popular live streamer.

The internet personality was supported by his genuine followers in this and he himself clarified himself with a thread of tweets on Twitter. He confirmed that he could never have thought of abusing a girl and he respected women.

Just like Justin’s face is hidden, Manatreed is also yet to a face reveal for his fans; hence the confusion. Still, it is not known hoe did the internet people connect the dots to come to a conclusion where they think accused Justin and Manatreed is the same person.

Is Manatreed Dream? Abuse Allegations & Drama

No, Manatreed is not Dream. The rumors are that Dream was the childhood friend of Justin Alfonso from Florida and the connections say that Justin is Manatreed which is making the two well-known internet sensations in trouble.

There was an ongoing court case for Justin and the matter can get out of hand if the media gets involved in it. Similarly, given the condition that Justin and Manatreed is the same person with an abusive past, the thousands of fans and followers he has gained will certainly be devastated.

The allegation of Justin is that he has physically and emotionally abused his girlfriend and the case was fought in Hillsborough County Courts and the status now is closed. if Justin was convicted, Manatreed cannot be him because the live streamer is free now.

About the author

Olivia Wilson
By Olivia Wilson


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