A project to develop a former BHS store in Swansea city centre has secured major funding.
The Swansea Council scheme to bring more public services to the city centre has secured £5.5m in financial backing.
It will see the former BHS and What! store on Oxford Street be redeveloped into a hub containing Swansea’s central library and other council services.
The funding consists of a £2m grant provided under the Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns initiative.
A further £3.5m is available to Swansea Council to develop the former BHS store as a public focal point.
Council leader Rob Stewart said: “This substantial funding will help us deliver an outstanding venue for people to meet and to access a range of public services that are important to them.
He added: “The Welsh Government has confidence in our plans for our city centre as we forge ahead with our city’s £1bn regeneration.”
The aim for the hub, which aims to open next year, will contain services delivered by Swansea Council and other organisations.
It will be within walking distance of the regenerated Castle Square Gardens, Kingsway and Wind Street, as well as the Quadrant bus station.
Council services considered to relocate there include Swansea Library, the West Glamorgan Archive Service and the Contact Centre.
All are currently located at the Civic Centre on Oystermouth Road, which is due to be redeveloped as part of the city’s £1bn regeneration project, part of the Swansea Bay City Deal.
Other services due to move to the hub include the council’s Revenue and Benefits service, Housing Options and Tenancy Support Unit (TSU), Employability, Life-long Learning and Local Studies and Family History services. The hub will also provide an integrated community and activity space to be accessed by voluntary and community groups from across Swansea.
The council said it will also consider options for future locations of other Civic Centre-based services.
Council cabinet member Robert Francis-Davies said: “The Transforming Towns grant is an important step for our community hub plan. The hub will be of great use to the public – and easily accessible to all.
“Many services will be easier to access in a more welcoming environment – and no services will be lost in the move. The development will bring increased footfall for city centre businesses, creating and maintaining city centre jobs. It’s a key factor in our aim to regenerate Swansea.”
Deputy Climate Change Minister Lee Waters said: “I am pleased we have been able to support this significant scheme in Swansea city centre.
“Reusing buildings in a way that increases access to services is a fantastic example of how our Transforming Towns programme delivers real change by focusing on the diversification and sustainable growth of our town and city centres.”