With six miniscule gears that rotate in unison as the outer edges of the ring are spun, Kinekt Design’s Gear Ring isn’t exactly Tiffany jewelry.
But that’s why, for the last few weeks, I’ve not worn it on my finger as intended. Instead, I’ve worn it around my neck. It’s my new favourite sub-chin gadgety play gizmo, and it’s amazing how much people are compelled to touch me just to satisfy their curiosity.
It’s quite heavy, and beautifully assembled. After a few weeks of hanging on a chain around my neck, being fiddled with by myself and curious friends in bars, it hasn’t faulted. And it’s strangely therapeutic to twist and turn during slow meetings and asinine conversations with dull strangers.
Its creator, an American named Glen Liberman, developed the $165 (£112) accessory after wanting to build something “complex enough to play with, yet simple enough to wear”. Well, congratulations — you have.