It wasn’t the first time I’d shed tears over Hillsborough, but this time it was different. I’d wept with rage on the evening of the disaster but after that my eyes were dry. At least in public. I’d sob silently in the night, though, usually in anger and shame. It was invariably in the aftermath of a social encounter when someone said: “Come on, just admit it, drunks broke down the gates and...
ITV: Who Is Anne Williams Husband Steve Williams? New Drama Explores The Life Of A Mother
Anne Williams and her husband Steve Williams are currently in the limelight after ITV released a new drama series of their case. Anne Williams was a campaigner fighting for justice for her son 15-year son Kevin and other victims of the Hillsborough disaster of 1989. The show is written by Kevin Sampson which will have four-part series. In this, we will see the relentless pursuit of a mother to...