Fifteen members of two gangs have been jailed for conspiring to supply drugs with a street value of about £1.2m. The 12 men from Preston and three from Liverpool were all sentenced over three days at Preston Crown Court. The heads of the two gangs were behind the supply of cocaine and heroin, couriered from Liverpool to Preston. Police said they hid mixing agents for the drugs in “rural hides” on...
Azor review – eerie conspiracy thriller about the complacency of the super-rich
Pure evil is all around in this unnervingly subtle, sophisticated movie; an eerie oppression in the air. Andreas Fontana is a Swiss director making his feature debut with this conspiracy drama-thriller, shot with a kind of desiccated blankness, about the occult world of super-wealth and things not to be talked about. The title is a Swiss banker’s code-word in conversation for “Be silent”. It is...