
Meet the latest new Pokémon for Sun and Moon


Yes – there are still Pokémon games other than Pokémon Go. Ahead of the November release of Pokémon Sun and Moon, six new beasts have been revealed as joining the roster. We’ve already met some of the new Pokémon set to appear in the upcoming Nintendo 3DS titles, with the reveal of the new starters Litten, Popplio, and Rowlet, to Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala. There was even a trio of...

Pokémon Go update makes it harder to catch rare critters


Catching ’em all just got a lot harder. Niantic, the developer of Pokémon Go, has made collecting all 151 creatures more difficult with a series of updates and disabled access to Pokévision. Using Niantic’s API, the tracker grabbed the location of all nearby Pokémon and placed them on a map. It’s not the only tracking website that appears to have gone offline, Pokéhound displays the message: “We...

Pokémon Go Plus accessory delayed until September


If you were looking forward to making your real-world Pokémon journey that much more authentic, we have bad news – the release of Nintendo’s Pokémon Go Plus accessory has been knocked back by several months. The Bluetooth device connects to smartphones and notifies players of developments in the game without them having to keep the app permanently open on their screens. With LEDs and a rumble...

How to breed Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon


The ability to breed Pokémon has been a fixture of the core games since Pokémon Gold and Silver. As could be expected, the feature makes a return in the latest instalments, Pokémon Sun and Moon, but like many familiar aspects of the series, it’s undergone something of an overhaul. Here’s the WIRED guide on how to breed Pokémon in Sun and Moon, get more starter Pokémon Litten, Rowlet, and Popplio...

Mystic, Instinct, Valor. Which Pokémon Go team is the best?


So you’ve downloaded Pokémon Go, gathered yourself a motley crew of Drowzees and Pidgeys and feel ready to take on your first gym. But before you start battling you’ve got a big decision to make – which team are you going to pledge allegiance to? Don’t be paralysed by indecision. Here are WIRED’s top tips for picking your team, fighting battles and taking gyms.Choosing your team Once you’ve...

Pokémon Sun and Moon’s starter evolutions revealed


The starter Pokémon for the new Pokémon Sun and Moon and their first evolutions have been revealed, along with the first look at gameplay and new features for the upcoming 3DS title. Players jumping into the latest Pokémon generation will have to choose between Litten, the “Fire Cat Pokémon”; Popplio, the water-type “Sea-Lion Pokémon”; and Rowlet, a small owl referred to as the “Grass Quill...


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