And so began the aforementioned adventure — a game played out via SMS with a sexting robot. Sext Adventure was created by Kara Stone and developed by Nadine Lessio to explore “multiple possibilities of computer sexuality and technological mediation of intimacy”. Stone told that she was inspired to use text messaging as a medium after playing Lessio’s Cat Quest and wondering “what...
What The Goop Lab gets right (and wrong) about sex
Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t know what a vagina is and neither do you. Then again you’re not the CEO and face of a £200 million wellness behemoth who just put out a £57 candle named ‘This Smells Like My Vagina’ and posed for a screening of her new Netflix ‘docu-series’ in front of red and pink roses in the shape of women’s genitals. In the opening scene of The Goop Lab episode three, “The Pleasure Is...