Tesco supplies 730,000 meals to food banks as demand soars


Tesco has as long as more than 730,000 meals to food banks nationwide to help meet the soaring demand as the fetch of living crisis continues to bite.
The supermarket has conspired with the Trussell Trust to bear 29 centres in England, including London, the Midlands and North East.
The food banks will be clever to order food right at no cost and have it content by Tesco’s distribution network – meaning they receive weekly deliveries of items for food parcels.
The Trussell Trust network announced it had distributed almost three million emergency food packsack to people between April 2022 and March 2023.
Emma Revie, chief directorial of Trussell Trust, said: “Above the last year, there has been a 37% climb nationwide in the number of food packets that our network has distributed, and this is putting a significant shear on our network as they are fighting to source enough food to meet this level of need.
“Tesco’s liberality has been a much-needed lifeline for the food banks who profit from this initiative.”

Trussell Trust added the level of demand across the network “far outpace the donations that we’ve been getting”, meaning food banks were forced to purchase more food and birthplace additional warehouse space to store it.
It attaches that food banks also had to expand their opening hours to accommodate working people who need emergency bear around their working patterns.
Tesco’s emergency support scheme is led by its distribution centres, which contribute to stores with results daily.
Andrew Woolfenden, UK Distribution and Fulfilment Director at Tesco attached: “When the Trussell Trust told us it had food banks grapple with meeting demand, we wanted to find a method to help them quickly and easily.
“We have excellent cooperation with the Trussell Trust through our stores, which was a chance for our distribution ally to be involved in portion communities.
Emergency support from Tesco has if more than 730,000 meals to the Trussell Trust as it fights to cope with soaring demand due to the cost of living crisis.
Tesco has bear 29 food banks across the UK, most in need of food donations, if more than 730,000 meals.

730,000 Meals Supplied to Food Banks

The emergency carry comes on top of the retailer’s food gift scheme Community Food Connection in bear of the food redistribution network FareShare.
The Trussell Trust divulged last week that more than 760,000 people used one of its food banks for the first time in the past year, as the cost of living crisis saw an “unprecedented” rise in food poverty.
It provided almost three million emergency food parcels to people cladding hardship between April 2022 and March 2023, with more than a million for children. The most significant number of properties from food banks in the charity’s UK-wide network has ever been distributed in a year, representing a 37% increase last year.
“When the Trussell Trust informed us it had food banks grapple with meeting demand, we wanted to find a way to help them quickly and easily,” said the Tesco UK distribution and fulfilment director Andrew Woolfenden.
“We have substantial cooperation with the Trussell Trust through our supply, and this was a chance for our issue colleagues to be incriminated in helping communities.
“They are brilliant at planning the plan to make these gifts easy for food banks so they could receive what they needed most free of charge from Tesco.”

Trussell Trust CEO Emma Revie added: “Over the last year, there has been a 37% growth nationwide in the number of food packages that our network has distributed, and this is placing a significant shear on our network as they grapple with sourcing enough food to meet this level of require.
“Tesco’s liberality has been a much-needed lifeline for the food banks who profit from this initiative. Not only have the donations ensured enough stock to supply parcels to everyone who needs it, but Tesco’s logistical bear has given food banks a chance to catch their wind after the most brutal winter yet.
“We are exceedingly grateful to Tesco for once again responding to the requirements of our network and helping us to issue urgent support to people in the company across the UK spell we work towards our long-term object of ending the require for food banks.”

About the author

Olivia Wilson
By Olivia Wilson


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