Simple Yet Effective Ways to Combat Rising UK Energy Prices


Unfortunately, the rising cost of everyday living in the United Kingdom is affecting people of all ages, backgrounds, living situations, and professional roles. Everyone is looking for ways to save money where they can.

One significant area that has experienced price increases across the board is energy bills. With this in mind, here are five simple yet effective ways to combat rising UK energy prices.

Never Leave Appliances on Standby

A recent government-sponsored study into households across the United Kingdom found that the average household can save approximately £60 to £70 every year simply by switching their appliances off at the plug socket.

Leaving your television, radio, video console, microwave, and even your oven can be incredibly costly when you are focused on reducing your energy bills as much as possible, and if you use a great deal of appliances, you should also look into standby saver plugs. 

Additionally, if you are an ardent coffee drinker, only boil the amount of water you need for the number of cups you are filling. 

Ensure Your Doors & Windows Are Draught-Proof

With the possible exception of new-build properties, a substantial amount of heat is likely being lost through the gaps around the floor, the windows, the doors, or, if you have one, the chimney.

There are other ways to address heat loss in your home, including:

  • Solid wall insulation
  • Insulating your water tank
  • Cavity wall insulation
  • Renovating the roof

Spend Money on Your Central Heating System

Another huge improvement to the amount of money you spend each and every month on your energy bills, specifically your heating system, is to inspect your central heating system thoroughly.

Contacting established and prestigious suppliers, such as, will afford you expert advice and guidance in choosing the right radiator for you and, moreover, be able to assess the right size, shape, and design to fit into your room. 

Be More Conscious of Your Washer & Drier

There is no reason to use your tumble drier throughout the summer months. Instead, you should dry your clothes either outside on the line in the garden or else on a clothes rack in a room with the window open. Reducing the number of times you use your tumble drier could save up to £80 a year.

When using your washing machine, try and avoid washing your clothes over 30 degrees and try and be more conscious of how many loads of washing you do in an average week.

Take Fewer Baths!

Finally, if you are fortunate enough to have a bathtub installed in your home, then taking a bath may well be something you always look forward to after a long, arduous day at the office.

However, swapping just one bath a week for a shower instead, which takes around four minutes from start to finish, will save you between £15 and £20 a year. Even though this does not sound much, these things do add up.

About the author

Adeline Darrow

Whisked between bustling London and windswept Yorkshire moors, Adeline crafts stories that blend charming eccentricity with a touch of suspense. When not wrangling fictional characters, they can be found haunting antique bookstores or getting lost in the wilds with a good map

By Adeline Darrow


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